Jien Wara li Ħruġ ma stylesheets mill-ġdid fl-aħħar verżjoni ta 'vBET għal 3.8. Il-post ta 'l-stylesheets mhuwiex korrett. Hawn eżempju ... mill-karta tal-vBulletin istil default mgħobbija permezz @ importazzjoni: @ Importazzjoni url ("clientscript/vbulletin_css/style-cbb7765a-00012.css"); Li jindika, fil-każ tiegħi - http://cellphoneforums.net/clientscr...765a-00012.css Meta viewing paġna tradotta, bħal kif Phone Forums Cell - A komunità ta 'utenti tal-mowbajl l-url css issa hija: http://cellphoneforums.net/es/client...765a-00012.css Liema hija rabta miksur. Xi ideat dwar kif jiffissaw dan? I'm having an issue with stylesheets again in the latest version of vbet for 3.8. The location of the stylesheets is not correct. Here's an example... by default the vbulletin style sheet is loaded via @import: @import url("clientscript/vbulletin_css/style-cbb7765a-00012.css"); which points to, in my case - http://cellphoneforums.net/clientscr...765a-00012.css When viewing a translated page, such as Foros del teléfono celular - Una comunidad de usuarios de teléfonos celulares the css url is now: http://cellphoneforums.net/es/client...765a-00012.css Which is a broken link. Any ideas on how to fix this?
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