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Forum: Integrazzjoni vBET ma plugins oħra

Dan il-forum jinkludi ħjiel dwar l-integrazzjoni ta 'vBET (appoġġ għat-traduzzjoni u t-traduzzjoni tal-magni manwali) ma plugins vBulletin oħra.

  1. Sticky Thread Sticky: Dynamics vBadvanced integrazzjoni

    Mibdija minn vBET, 14-11-09 15:05
    2 Paġni
    1 2
    forum, free, integration, language, mod, plugin, translation, translator, vb enterprise translator, vbet, vbet 3, vbulletin
    • It-tweġibiet: 14
    01-02-12, 11:27 Go to last post
  2. Sticky Thread Sticky: Liema mods għandu jkun appoġġat mill vBET?

    Mibdija minn vBET, 10-11-09 05:30
    cms, free, integration, language, mod, plugin, translation, translator, vb enterprise translator, vbet, vbulletin
    • It-tweġibiet: 8
    20-09-10, 12:50 Go to last post
  3. Sticky Thread Sticky: integrazzjoni istruzzjonijiet vBET

    Mibdija minn vBET, 14-03-10 17:21
    htaccess, integration, language, mod, plugin, seo, sitemap, vb enterprise translator, vbet, vbet 3, vbseo, vbulletin
    • It-tweġibiet: 5
    14-03-10, 17:35 Go to last post
  4. Sticky Thread Sticky: Kif jintegraw mod tiegħek ma 'vBET

    Mibdija minn vBET, 20-11-09 01:46
    integration, language, mod, plugin, vb enterprise translator, vbet, vbulletin
    • It-tweġibiet: 3
    20-11-09, 11:43 Go to last post
  1. Integrazzjoni Ġeneratur sitemap

    Mibdija minn vBET, 14-11-09 14:46
    5 Paġni
    1 2 3 ... 5
    forum, free, integration, language, mod, optimization, plugin, seo, sitemap, translation, translator, vb enterprise translator, vbet, vbet 3, vbseo, vbulletin
    • It-tweġibiet: 45
    20-04-12, 20:47 Go to last post
  2. vaultwiki integrazzjoni

    Mibdija minn vBET, 02-06-11 21:37
    forum, integration, mod, vb enterprise translator, vbet, vbulletin
    • It-tweġibiet: 2
    09-01-12, 23:27 Go to last post
    • It-tweġibiet: 3
    06-04-11, 19:05 Go to last post
  3. Integrazzjoni ma vbseo 3.6.0

    Mibdija minn Lee G, 13-03-11 13:15
    integration, vb enterprise translator, vbet, vbet 3, vbseo
    • It-tweġibiet: 1
    14-03-11, 09:11 Go to last post
  4. Facebook Bħall Button

    Mibdija minn Snake, 30-10-10 16:03
    2 Paġni
    1 2
    free, integration, language, mod, plugin, translation, translator, vb enterprise translator, vbet, vbseo, vbulletin
    • It-tweġibiet: 16
    14-02-11, 22:52 Go to last post
  5. vBSEO integrazzjoni

    Mibdija minn vBET, 14-11-09 14:34
    4 Paġni
    1 2 3 ... 4
    htaccess, integration, language, mod, plugin, seo, sitemap, translation, translator, vb enterprise translator, vbet, vbet 3, vbseo
    • It-tweġibiet: 34
    07-12-10, 14:38 Go to last post
    • It-tweġibiet: 1
    27-11-10, 13:53 Go to last post
  6. vbOptimise

    Mibdija minn tavenger5, 16-11-10 16:27
    memcache, translator, vb enterprise translator, vbet, vboptimise
    • It-tweġibiet: 2
    17-11-10, 15:48 Go to last post
  7. Problemi bil-google Mappa tas-sit

    Mibdija minn Simon Lloyd, 08-11-10 11:41
    • It-tweġibiet: 4
    09-11-10, 12:35 Go to last post
    • It-tweġibiet: 4
    04-11-10, 20:37 Go to last post
  8. Waħħal għal dawk tal inti taħdem Poster Tweet

    Mibdija minn tavenger5, 12-04-10 19:25
    2 Paġni
    1 2
    free, integration, language, mod, plugin, sitemap, translation, translator, vb enterprise translator, vbet, vbet 3, vbseo, vbulletin
    • It-tweġibiet: 16
    16-10-10, 12:28 Go to last post
  9. Integrazzjoni ma MGC_Chatbox_Evo

    Mibdija minn Simon Lloyd, 05-10-10 18:04
    integration, mod, plugin, translation, translator, vb enterprise translator, vbet
    • It-tweġibiet: 3
    05-10-10, 18:56 Go to last post
  10. vBET u vBulletin 3.6

    Mibdija minn vBET, 03-07-10 13:13
    3 Paġni
    1 2 3
    blog, free, htaccess, integration, language, mod, plugin, sitemap, translation, translator, vb enterprise translator, vbet, vbet 3, vbseo, vbulletin
    • It-tweġibiet: 27
    15-09-10, 15:03 Go to last post
  11. VBA CMPS

    Mibdija minn vBET, 08-05-10 21:13
    htaccess, integration, mod, plugin, translation, translator, vb enterprise translator, vbet
    • It-tweġibiet: 4
    05-07-10, 07:06 Go to last post
    • It-tweġibiet: 1
    05-07-10, 07:00 Go to last post
  12. Dynamics integrazzjoni vBadvanced 2.0.0 RC 1

    Mibdija minn anand, 21-06-10 19:12
    integration, mod, plugin, vb enterprise translator, vbet, vbulletin
    • It-tweġibiet: 3
    22-06-10, 23:03 Go to last post
  13. vbseo Issostitwixxi l-"Keywords META"

    Mibdija minn tsak76, 29-05-10 08:13
    forum, language, vbseo
    • It-tweġibiet: 1
    31-05-10, 09:10 Go to last post
  14. Photopost Pro

    Mibdija minn tsak76, 15-02-10 13:34
    htaccess, integration, language, mod, plugin, seo, translation, translator, vb enterprise translator, vbet, vbseo, vbulletin
    • It-tweġibiet: 4
    09-05-10, 00:31 Go to last post

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