Hi Michel, jebkura iespēja jūs varētu to apskatīt un redzēt, ja ir viegli noteikt par šo;
Datoru Juice - Site Spy
Šķiet skripts ir nesaņemu css fails pareizi un meklē nepareizā vietā attēlus ...
Hi Michel, jebkura iespēja jūs varētu to apskatīt un redzēt, ja ir viegli noteikt par šo;
Datoru Juice - Site Spy
Šķiet skripts ir nesaņemu css fails pareizi un meklē nepareizā vietā attēlus ...
Kā es redzu šīs lapas nav tulkots vispār. Visticamāk global_complete āķis nav izmantots tur. Jūs varat mēģināt integrācijas mods, kas neizmanto global_complete āķa.
Skatīt šeit apraksts: http://www.vbenterprisetranslator.co....html # post1795
Lūdzu, vispirms pārbaudiet tas tiešām global_complete neizmanto tur.
Es godīgi nezinu, kā sekot šiem norādījumiem, tā ir vienkārša mod, iet uz ajax es domāju, tikai vienu php failu, nevienam ražojumam vai veidnes. Šeit ir failu saturu.
<? Php
//################################################ ################################//
//################################################ ################################//
/ / Apraksts: Šis vBulletin izmaiņas veicina "live" ritināšanu # / /
/ / Update jaunu amata vietu uz forumu # / /
//################################################ ################################//
/ / BY: MPDev # / /
/ / DATE: 9.26.06 # / /
/ / Versija: 1.0.12 # / /
//################################################ ################################//
/ / ####################### SET PHP VIDE ###################### #####
error_reporting (E_ALL & ~ E_NOTICE);
/ / #################### DEFINE SVARĪGI konstantes #######################
define ('THIS_SCRIPT', 'vaispy');
/ / ################### PRE-CACHE VEIDNES UN DATU ######################
/ / Get īpašas frāze grupas
$ Phrasegroups = array ();
/ / Get īpašas datu veidnes no datastore
$ Specialtemplates = array ();
/ / Pre-cache veidnes, ko izmanto visām darbībām,
$ Globaltemplates = array ();
/ / Pre-cache veidnes, ko lieto konkrētas darbības,
$ Actiontemplates = array ();
/ / ######################### Pieprasīt BACK-END ################### #########
require_once ('/ global.php.');
/ / ######################### CONFIG VARS ##################### #######
/ / Par dienu skaitu, lai skenētu galda .. (86.400 norāda, cik sekundes 24 stundu laikā)
$ Daysprune = 1;
/ / Vai nav uzskaitītas šajos forumos, pat ja tie ir atļaujas (testa kategorijās, uc)
$ Blockforums = "";
/ / ######################### CONFIG VARS ##################### #######
$ Forumperms = array ();
$ Lastpostid = (int) $ _REQUEST ['pēdējo'];
$ Abonēt = (int) $ _REQUEST ['Parakstīties uz'];
foreach ($ vBulletin-> forumcache AS $ forums) {
$ Forumid = $ forumu ['forumid'];
$ Forumperms = & $ vBulletin-> userinfo ["forumpermissions']["$ forumid"];
if (! isset ($ vBulletin-> forumcache ["$ forumid"]), vai! ($ forumperms & $ vBulletin-> bf_ugp_forumpermissions ['canview']) VAI! ($ forumperms & $ vBulletin-> bf_ugp_forumpermissions ['canviewothers "] ) VAI verify_forum_password ($ forumid, $ vBulletin-> forumcache ["$ forumid"] ['parole'], false)!)
$ Blockforums .=','.$ forumu ['forumid'];
unset ($ forumā);
$ Datecut = "AND thread.lastpost> =". (TIMENOW - ($ daysprune * 86.400));
$ Prefetched = null;
/ / Get Threads man rakstīja
require_once (. DIR "/ includes / functions_forumdisplay.php ');
$ Result = $ db-> query_read ("
SELECT threadid
NO diegi ". TABLE_PREFIX." Kā vītne
KUR thread.forumid NOT IN (0 $ blockforums) un
thread.visible = 1 un
thread.open <> 10 un
thread.lastpostid> $ lastpostid
$ Datecut
$ IdsArray = array ();
while ($ id = $ db-> fetch_array ($ result))
$ IdsArray [] = $ id ['threadid'];
$ Dotthreads = fetch_dot_threads_array (eksplodēt (',', $ idsArray));
/ / Get Threads
/ / Vai nav noteikti ar vairāk nekā 20, ja vien jūs zināt, kā mainīt html pie lapas apakšā (un 291 līnijas)
$ Limitq = (isset ($ _REQUEST ['do']) "20"? "5,20");
if ($ parakstīties == 1)
$ Getthreads = $ db-> query_read ("
SELECT subscribethread.subscribethreadid,
post.pagetext AS preview,
post.userid AS lastpuserid
NO ". TABLE_PREFIX." Subscribethread AS subscribethread
INNER JOIN "TABLE_PREFIX.." Vītne AS vītni (subscribethread.threadid = thread.threadid)
LEFT JOIN "TABLE_PREFIX.." Deletionlog AS Deletionlog ON (thread.threadid = deletionlog.primaryid UN type = 'vītne)
LEFT JOIN post AS pastu ON (post.postid = thread.lastpostid) "TABLE_PREFIX.."
KUR subscribethread.userid = ". $ VBulletin-> userinfo ['userid']."
UN thread.forumid NOT IN (0 $ blockforums)
UN thread.visible = 1
UN subscribethread.canview = 1
UN thread.lastpostid> $ lastpostid
UN deletionlog.primaryid IS NULL
$ Datecut
ORDER BY thread.lastpost DESC LIMIT $ limitq
$ Getthreads = $ db-> query_read ("
SELECT thread.forumid,
post.pagetext AS preview,
post.userid AS lastpuserid
NO diegi ". TABLE_PREFIX." AS vītne
LEFT JOIN "TABLE_PREFIX.." Deletionlog AS Deletionlog ON (thread.threadid = deletionlog.primaryid UN type = 'vītne)
LEFT JOIN post AS pastu ON (post.postid = thread.lastpostid) "TABLE_PREFIX.."
Ja atvērtu <> 10
$ Datecut
UN thread.forumid NOT IN (0 $ blockforums)
UN thread.visible = '1 '
UN thread.lastpostid> $ lastpostid
UN post.visible = 1
UN deletionlog.primaryid IS NULL
ORDER BY thread.lastpost DESC LIMIT $ limitq
$ Row = $ highestid = 1;
$ Rowcolor = "alt2";
while ($ thread = $ db-> fetch_array ($ getthreads)) {
$ Color = $ krāsa == 'alt1 "? "Alt2": "alt1";
$ Vītne ['title'] = htmlspecialchars_uni (fetch_censored_text (fetch_trimmed_title (unhtmlspecialchars ($ diegi ['title']), 85)));
$ Vītne ['datums'] = vbdate ($ vBulletin-> variantus ['dateformat'], $ diegi ['lastpost'], 1);
$ Vītne ["laiks"] = vbdate ($ vBulletin-> variantus ['timeformat'], $ diegi ['lastpost']);
/ / Get atbrīvoties no html un bbcode first
$ Vītne ['preview'] = strip_tags (strip_bbcode ($ diegi ['preview'], taisnība, patiesība));
$ Vītne ['preview'] = htmlspecialchars_uni (fetch_trimmed_title ($ diegi ['preview'], 200));
$ Vītne ['preview'] = fetch_censored_text (fetch_word_wrapped_string ($ diegi ['preview'], 20));
$ Vītne ['replycount'] = vb_number_format ($ diegi ['replycount']);
$ Vītne ['viedokli'] = vb_number_format ($ diegi ['viedokli']);
$ Tforumid = $ diegi ['forumid'];
$ Vītne ['forum'] = htmlspecialchars_uni ($ vBulletin-> forumcache ["$ tforumid"] ['title']);
if ($ pavediens ['lastpostid'] == $ diegi ['firstpostid'])
$ Etype = "New Thread";
$ Etype = "Jauna ziņa";
/ / Statusicon
/ / Rādīt dot mapi?
if ($ vBulletin-> userinfo ['userid'] un $ vBulletin-> variantus ['showdots'] un $ dotthreads ["$ vītne [threadid]"])
$ Vītne ['statusicon'] .= "_dot";
$ Vītne ['dot_count'] = $ dotthreads ["$ vītne [threadid ]"][' skaits '];
$ Vītne ['dot_lastpost'] = $ dotthreads ["$ vītne [threadid ]"][' lastpost '];
/ / Rādīt karstā mape?
if ($ vBulletin-> variantus ['usehotthreads'] AND (($ diegi ['replycount']> = $ vBulletin-> variantus ['hotnumberposts'] un $ vBulletin-> variantus ['hotnumberposts']> 0) OR ( $ vītne ['viedokli']> = $ vBulletin-> variantus ['hotnumberviews'] un $ vBulletin-> variantus ['hotnumberviews']> 0)))
$ Vītne ['statusicon'] .= "_hot";
/ / Rādīt locked mapi?
if ($ pavediens ["atvērta"]!)
$ Vītne ['statusicon'] .= "_lock";
$ Vītne ['statusicon'] = "blank.gif";
if ($ _REQUEST ['do'] == "xml")
Šeit ir otrā daļa, vbet foruma apstājas liels posts.
$ Jauda .= <<<VAPRINT
<id> {$ diegi ['lastpostid']}</ id>
<what> $ etype </ kas>
<when> {$ diegi ['datums']} {$ diegi ["laiks']}</ kad>
<title> {$ diegi ['title']}</ title>
<preview> {$ diegi [priekšskatījuma']}</ preview>
<poster> {$ diegi ['lastposter']}</ plakāts>
<threadid> {$ diegi ['threadid']}</ threadid>
<postid> {$ diegi ['lastpostid']}</ postid>
<lastpost> {$ diegi ['lastpost']}</ lastpost>
<userid> {$ diegi ['lastpuserid']}</ userid>
<forumid> {$ diegi ['forumid']}</ forumid>
<forumname> {$ diegi ['forum']}</ forumname>
<views> {$ diegi [uzskati']}</ viedokli>
<replies> {$ diegi ['replycount']}</ atbildes>
<statusicon> {$ diegi ['statusicon']}</ statusicon>
</ Notikums>
$ Rowcolor = ($ rowcolor == "alt1" "alt2":? "Alt1");
$ Kur = $ klips = $ poster_clip = $ autors = null;
if (stristr ($ etype, "vītne"))
$ Post_url = "showthread.php? T = {$ diegi ['threadid']}";
$ Post_url = "showthread.php? P = {$ diegi ['lastpostid']} # post {$ diegi ['lastpostid']}";
if (! $ diegi ['title'])
$ Klips = "<strong> Nezināms </ strong>";
$ Klips = "<strong> <img src=\\"{$thread['statusicon']}\\" alt=\\"\\" /> <target = \\" _blank \\ "href = \\" {$ post_url} \\ "> {$ diegi ['title']}</ a> </ strong>";
if ($ pavediens ['preview'])
$ Klips .= "<br /> {$ diegi [priekšskatījuma']}";
$ Klips .= "({$ diegi ['viedokli']} viedokļiem, {$ diegi ['replycount']} replies)";
if ($ pavediens ['lastpuserid'])
$ Poster_clip = "<a target=\\"_blank\\" href=\\"member.php?u={$thread['lastpuserid']}\\"> {$ diegi ['lastposter']}</>";
$ Poster_clip .= "<br /> {$ diegi ['datums']} {$ diegi ['laiks']}";
if ($ pavediens ['forum'])
$ Kur .= "<strong> <a target=\\"_blank\\" href=\\"forumdisplay.php?f={$thread['forumid']}\\"> {$ diegi ['forum']}</ > </ strong> ";
$ Kur = "";
if (is_browser ("opera"))
$ Prefetched .= <<<VAPRINT
<div id="row{$row}"> <table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td width = "20" class = "$ rowcolor smallfont "nowrap =" nowrap "align =" center "> $ etype </ td> <td class="$rowcolor smallfont" width="225" nowrap="nowrap" align="left"> $ poster_clip </ td > <td class="$rowcolor smallfont" width="80%"> $ klipu </ td> <td class="$rowcolor smallfont" width="200" nowrap="nowrap" align="center"> $ ja </ td> </ tr> </ table> </ div> \\ n
$ Prefetched .= <<<VAPRINT
<tr id="row{$row}"> <td class="$rowcolor smallfont" align="center"> <div class="smallfont"> $ etype </ div> </ td> <td class = " $ rowcolor smallfont "> <div class="smallfont"> $ poster_clip </ div> </ td> <td class="$rowcolor smallfont"> <div class="smallfont"> $ klipu </ div> </ td > <td class="$rowcolor smallfont" align="center"> <div class="smallfont"> $ kur </ div> </ td> </ tr> \\ n
$ Row + +;
if ($ pavediens ['lastpostid']> $ highestid)
$ Highestid = $ diegi ['lastpostid'];
if ($ row <20)
par ($ x = $ row; $ x <21, $ x + +)
if (is_browser ("opera"))
$ Prefetched .= <<<VAPRINT
<div id="row{$x}"> </ div> \\ n
$ Prefetched .= <<<VAPRINT
<tr id="row{$x}"> <td class="$rowcolor smallfont" align="center"> </ td> <td class="$rowcolor smallfont"> </ td> < td class = "$ rowcolor smallfont"> </ td> <td class="$rowcolor smallfont" align="center"> </ td> </ tr> \\ n
/ / Atmiņas taupīšanu
unset ($ vītne);
$ Db-> free_result ($ getthreads);
if ($ _REQUEST ['do'] == "xml")
header ("Content-Type: text / xml" ($ stylevar ['charset'] ='''; charset =' $ stylevar ['charset'].!?.''));
echo "<xml version =" 1.0 "kodējums ="? ". $ stylevar ['charset'].'"?>'. "\\ R \\ n";
if ($ produkciju)
echo "<events> $ jauda </ notikumi>";
echo "<events />";
$ Navbits = array ();
$ Navbits [$ mātes] = 'Lapas Spy ";
$ Navbits = construct_navbits ($ navbits);
eval ('$ navigācijas joslas = "'. fetch_template (navigācijas joslas").'";');
$ Navigācijas joslas = process_replacement_vars ($ navigācijas joslas);
eval ('$ headinclude = "" fetch_template ("headinclude")..'";');
$ Headinclude = process_replacement_vars ($ headinclude);
eval ('$ footer = "'. fetch_template (footer).'";');
$ Footer = process_replacement_vars ($ kājene);
echo <<<VAPRINT
$ Stylevar [htmldoctype]
<HTML dir="$stylevar[textdirection]" lang="$stylevar[languagecode]">
$ Headinclude
<style type="text/css">
. Spyfade1 div. Spyfade1 span,,. Spyfade1 td,. Spyfade1 img {
opacity: 0,90;
filtrs: alfa (necaurredzamība = 90);
-Moz-opacity: 0,90;
. Spyfade2 div. Spyfade2 span. Spyfade2 td, spyfade2 img. {
opacity: 0,80;
filtrs: alfa (necaurredzamība = 80);
-Moz-opacity: 0,80;
. Spyfade3 div. Spyfade3 span. Spyfade3 td,. Spyfade3 img {
opacity: 0,70;
filtrs: alfa (necaurredzamība = 70);
-Moz-opacity: 0,70;
. Spyfade4 div. Spyfade4 span. Spyfade4 td,. Spyfade4 img {
opacity: 0,50;
filtrs: alfa (necaurredzamība = 50);
-Moz-opacity: 0,50;
. Spyfade5 div. Spyfade5 span. Spyfade5 td,. Spyfade5 img {
opacity: 0,30;
filtrs: alfa (necaurredzamība = 30);
-Moz-opacity: 0,30;
</ Style>
<script language="javascript" src="clientscript/va_prototype.js"> </ script>
<script language="javascript" src="clientscript/va_effects.js"> </ script>
<script language="javascript" src="clientscript/va_spy.js"> </ script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
<! -
spymax = 25;
highestid = $ highestid;
funkcija pauseSpy () {
var playimg = document.getElementById ("vaplay");
var pauseimg = document.getElementById ("vapause");
playimg.src = "images / misc / play_up.gif";
playimg.alt = "Click to Play";
pauseimg.src = "images / misc / pause_down.gif";
pauseimg.alt = "Pārtraukta ...";
pauze ();
funkcija playSpy () {
var playimg = document.getElementById ("vaplay");
var pauseimg = document.getElementById ("vapause");
playimg.src = "images / misc / play_down.gif";
playimg.alt = "Playing ...";
pauseimg.src = "images / misc / pause_up.gif";
pauseimg.alt = "Uzklikšķiniet, lai Pause";
CV ();
funkcija pauzes () {
play = 0;
funkcija CV () {
play = 1;
/ / ->
</ Script>
<title> Datoru Juice - Site Spy </ title>
</ Head>
<body onload="spyinit();">
$ Header
$ Navigācijas joslas
<table width="90%" align="center"> <tr> <td width="50%" align="left"> <input type="checkbox" id="subscribe" value="1"> ; parakstītā vītnes tikai </ td>
<td width="50%" align="right">
<Img id = "vaplay" src = "images / misc / play_down.gif" style = "kursoraointer; "alt =" Play "title =" Play Komentāri "onclick =" playSpy (); "/>
<Img id = "vapause" src = "images / misc / pause_up.gif" style = "kursoraointer; "alt =" Pause "title =" Apturēt Komentāri "onclick =" pauseSpy (); "/>
</ Td> </ tr> </ table>
<br />
if (is_browser ("opera"))
$ Jauda .= <<<VAPRINT
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" align="center" id="spy_table">
<tr> <td width="20" class="tcat" nowrap="nowrap" style="height:25px;"> </ td>
<td class="tcat" width="225" nowrap="nowrap" style="height:25px;"> dalībvalsts </ td>
<td class="tcat" width="80%" style="height:25px;"> Raksts / Post </ td>
<td class="tcat" width="200" nowrap="nowrap" style="height:25px;"> Forum
</ Tr>
<tr> <td colspan="4" class="alt1">
$ Prefetched
<div id="row21" style="display:none;" class="spyfade1"> </ div>
<div id="row22" style="display:none;" class="spyfade2"> </ div>
<div id="row23" style="display:none;" class="spyfade3"> </ div>
<div id="row24" style="display:none;" class="spyfade4"> </ div>
<div id="row25" style="display:none;" class="spyfade5"> </ div>
</ Td> </ tr>
</ Table>
$ Jauda .= <<<VAPRINT
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="100%" align="center" id="spy_table">
<tr align="center"> <td class="thead" width="100"> Event </ td> <td class="thead" width="100"> dalībvalsts </ td> <td class = "thead "> Raksts / Post </ td> <td class="thead" width="190"> forums </ td> </ tr>
</ Thead>
<tbody class="alt1">
$ Prefetched
<tr id="row21" style="display: none;" class="spyfade1"> <td align="center"> </ td> <td> </ td> <td> < / td> <td align="center"> </ td> </ tr>
<tr id="row22" style="display: none;" class="spyfade2"> <td align="center"> </ td> <td> </ td> <td> < / td> <td align="center"> </ td> </ tr>
<tr id="row23" style="display: none;" class="spyfade3"> <td align="center"> </ td> <td> </ td> <td> < / td> <td align="center"> </ td> </ tr>
<tr id="row24" style="display: none;" class="spyfade4"> <td align="center"> </ td> <td> </ td> <td> < / td> <td align="center"> </ td> </ tr>
<tr id="row25" style="display: none;" class="spyfade5"> <td align="center"> </ td> <td> </ td> <td> < / td> <td align="center"> </ td> </ tr>
</ Tbody>
</ Table>
$ Jauda .= <<<VAPRINT
$ Footer
echo $ produkciju;
Un tas ir jautājums - rezultāts ir vienkārši apdrukāts, tāpēc nav iespējams tulkot tā normālā veidā.
BET - mums ir risinājums šai problēmai - viens, kas es norādīju jums. Tā veiks gadījumos, piemēram, šo vienu. Lūdzu, pastāstiet mums tieši ar kuru soli jums ir nepatikšanas. Mēs palīdzēsim Jums papuve instrukcijas vai pat modificēt to saprotamāku
Vai esat pārliecināts, ka licence šā mod ļauj publicēt savu kodu? Ja nē, tad, lūdzu, izņemiet to.
Ļaujiet man izteikties skaidri, es vēlos, lai jūs darīt šo darbu, es nevaru maksāt.
Protams, mēs piedāvājam arī maksas pakalpojumus, piemēram, uzstādīšana, uzlabot. Mēs nedomājām par integrāciju, bet to var iegādāties uzlabot pakalpojuma un mēs to izdarīsim jūsu vietā.
Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā, ka mums būs nepieciešams piekļūt jūsu FTP un Admin CP, lai varētu izdarīt integrāciju (Admin CP - varbūt ne, ja faktiskie uzstādījumi ir OK; FTP galīgi jā).