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Lappuse 2 gada 2 FirstPirmkārt 12
Threads 21 līdz 26 gada 26

Forum: vBET Integrācija ar citiem plugins

Šis forums ietver padomus par integrāciju vB Enterprise (atbalsts mašīntulkošanas un manuālo tulkojumu) ar citām vBulletin plugins.

  1. Sticky Thread Sticky: vBadvanced Dynamics integrāciju

    Uzsāka vBET, 14-11-09 15:05
    forum, free, integration, language, mod, plugin, translation, translator, vb enterprise translator, vbet, vbet 3, vbulletin
    • Atbildes: 14
    01-02-12, 11:27 Go to last post
  2. Sticky Thread Sticky: Kurš mods ir jāatbalsta vBET?

    Uzsāka vBET, 10-11-09 05:30
    cms, free, integration, language, mod, plugin, translation, translator, vb enterprise translator, vbet, vbulletin
    • Atbildes: 8
    20-09-10, 12:50 Go to last post
  3. Sticky Thread Sticky: vBET integrācija instrukcijas

    Uzsāka vBET, 14-03-10 17:21
    htaccess, integration, language, mod, plugin, seo, sitemap, vb enterprise translator, vbet, vbet 3, vbseo, vbulletin
    • Atbildes: 5
    14-03-10, 17:35 Go to last post
  4. Sticky Thread Sticky: Kā integrēt savu mod ar vBET

    Uzsāka vBET, 20-11-09 01:46
    integration, language, mod, plugin, vb enterprise translator, vbet, vbulletin
    • Atbildes: 3
    20-11-09, 11:43 Go to last post
    • Atbildes: 6
    22-04-10, 14:23 Go to last post
  1. nosaukumu kā "jaunākās ziņas"

    Uzsāka Valdo, 12-03-10 15:34
    integration, mod, plugin, vb enterprise translator, vbet, vbet 3
    • Atbildes: 3
    14-03-10, 21:26 Go to last post
  2. post un diegi

    Uzsāka Valdo, 25-02-10 16:50
    integration, sitemap, translation, translator, vb enterprise translator, vbet, vbseo, vbulletin
    • Atbildes: 3
    27-02-10, 03:31 Go to last post
  3. Atbalsts vBadvanced CMPS

    Uzsāka Hangman, 21-12-09 11:21
    integration, mod, plugin, vb enterprise translator, vbet, vbulletin
    • Atbildes: 6
    19-01-10, 21:34 Go to last post
    • Atbildes: 2
    09-01-10, 22:36 Go to last post
  4. Problēma ar jaunāko diegiem

    Uzsāka Michael, 09-01-10 16:30
    integration, mod, plugin, vb enterprise translator, vbet
    • Atbildes: 1
    09-01-10, 21:39 Go to last post

Lappuse 2 gada 2 FirstPirmkārt 12

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