$ Output .= <<<VAPRINT
<id> {$ thread ['lastpostid']}</ id>
<cosa> $ etype </ cosa>
<when> {$ thread ['date']} {$ thread ['tempo']}</ quando>
<title> {$ thread ['title titolo']}</>
<preview> {$ thread ['anteprima']}</ anteprima>
<poster> {$ thread ['manifesto']}</ lastposter>
<threadid> {$ thread ['threadid']}</ threadid>
<postid> {$ thread ['lastpostid']}</ postid>
<lastpost> {$ thread ['lastpost']}</ lastpost>
<userid> {$ thread ['userid']}</ lastpuserid>
<forumid> {$ thread ['forumid']}</ forumid>
<forumname> {$ thread ['forum']}</ TUONOME>
<views> {$ thread ['viste viste']}</>
<replies> {$ thread ['risposte']}</ replycount>
<statusicon> {$ thread ['statusicon']}</ statusicon>
</ Eventi>
Rowcolor $ = ($ rowcolor == "ALT1" "ALT2": "ALT1");
$ Dove = $ clip = $ = $ poster_clip poster = null;
if (stristr ($ etype, "filo"),)
Post_url $ = "showthread.php? Thread t = {$ ['threadid']}";
Post_url $ = "showthread.php? P = {$ thread ['lastpostid']} # post {$ thread ['lastpostid']}";
if ($ thread ['title'])
$ Clip = "<strong> sconosciuto </ strong>";
$ Clip = "<strong> <img src=\\"{$thread['statusicon']}\\" alt=\\"\\" /> <a target = \\" _blank \\ "href = \\" post_url} {$ \\ "> {$ thread ['title']}</ a> </ strong>";
if ($ thread ['anteprima'])
$ Clip .= "<br /> {$ thread ['anteprima']}";
$ Clip .= "({$ thread ['viste']} viste, {$ thread ['replycount']} risposte)";
if ($ thread ['lastpuserid'])
Poster_clip $ = "<a target=\\"_blank\\" href=\\"member.php?u={$thread['lastpuserid']}\\"> {$ thread ['lastposter']}</ a>";
$ Poster_clip .= "filo <br /> {$ thread ['date']} {$ ['tempo']}";
if ($ thread ['forum'])
$ Dove .= "<strong> <a target=\\"_blank\\" href=\\"forumdisplay.php?f={$thread['forumid']}\\"> {$ thread ['']}</ forum a> </ strong> ";
$ Dove = "";
if (is_browser ('opera'))
$ Prefetch .= <<<VAPRINT
<div id="row{$row}"> <table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td width = classe "20" = "$ rowcolor "nowrap =" smallfont nowrap "align =" center "> $ etype </ td> <td class="$rowcolor smallfont" width="225" nowrap="nowrap" align="left"> $ poster_clip </ td > <td class="$rowcolor smallfont" width="80%"> $ Clip </ td> <td class="$rowcolor smallfont" width="200" nowrap="nowrap" align="center"> $ dove </ td> </ tr> </ table> </ div> \\ n
$ Prefetch .= <<<VAPRINT
<tr id="row{$row}"> <td class="$rowcolor smallfont" align="center"> <div class="smallfont"> $ etype </ div> </ td> <td class = " $ rowcolor smallfont "> <div class="smallfont"> $ poster_clip </ div> </ td> <td class="$rowcolor smallfont"> <div class="smallfont"> $ clip di </ div> </ td > <td class="$rowcolor smallfont" align="center"> <div class="smallfont"> $ dove </ div> </ td> </ tr> \\ n
$ Riga + +;
if ($ thread ['lastpostid']> $ highestid)
Highestid $ = $ thread ['lastpostid'];
if ($ <fila 20)
for ($ x = $ riga; $ x <21; $ x + +)
if (is_browser ('opera'))
$ Prefetch .= <<<VAPRINT
<div id="row{$x}"> </ div> \\ n
$ Prefetch .= <<<VAPRINT
<tr id="row{$x}"> <td class="$rowcolor smallfont" align="justify"> </ td> <td class="$rowcolor smallfont"> </ td> < div class = "$ rowcolor smallfont"> </ td> <td class="$rowcolor smallfont" align="center"> </ td> </ tr> \\ n
/ / Memoria risparmio
unset ($ filo);
$ Db-> free_result ($ getthreads);
if ($ _REQUEST ['fare'] == "xml")
header ('Content-Type: text / xml' ($ stylevar ['charset'] ='''; charset =' $ stylevar ['charset']:.!?.''));
echo '<? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "'. $ stylevar ['charset'].'"?>'. "\\ R \\ n";
if ($ output)
echo "$ output <events> </ eventi>";
echo "<events />";
$ Navbits = array ();
Navbits $ [$ genitore] = 'Spy Site';
$ Navbits = construct_navbits ($ navbits);
eval ('$ navbar = "'. fetch_template ('navbar').'";');
$ = Process_replacement_vars barra di navigazione ($ barra di navigazione);
eval ('$ headinclude = "'. fetch_template ('headinclude').'";');
$ Headinclude = process_replacement_vars ($ headinclude);
eval ('$ piè di pagina = "'. fetch_template ('piè').'";');
Piè di pagina = $ process_replacement_vars ($ piè di pagina);
echo <<<VAPRINT
$ Stylevar [htmldoctype]
<html dir="$stylevar[textdirection]" lang="$stylevar[languagecode]">
$ Headinclude
<style type="text/css">
. Spyfade1 div. Speranza spyfade1,,. Spyfade1 td,. Spyfade1 img {
opacità: 0,90;
filter: alpha (opacity = 90);
-Moz-opacity: 0,90;
. Spyfade2 div,. Speranza spyfade2,. Spyfade2 td,. Spyfade2 img {
opacità: 0,80;
filter: alpha (opacity = 80);
-Moz-opacity: 0,80;
. Spyfade3 div. Speranza spyfade3,. Spyfade3 td,. Spyfade3 img {
opacità: 0,70;
filter: alpha (opacity = 70);
-Moz-opacity: 0,70;
. Spyfade4 div. Speranza spyfade4,. Spyfade4 td,. Spyfade4 img {
opacità: 0,50;
filter: alpha (opacity = 50);
-Moz-opacity: 0.50;
. Spyfade5 div. Speranza spyfade5,. Spyfade5 td,. Spyfade5 img {
opacità: 0,30;
filter: alpha (opacity = 30);
-Moz-opacity: 0,30;
</ Style>
<script language="JavaScript" src="clientscript/va_prototype.js"> </ script>
<script language="JavaScript" src="clientscript/va_effects.js"> </ script>
<script language="JavaScript" src="clientscript/va_spy.js"> </ script>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
<! -
spymax = 25;
highestid = $ highestid;
pauseSpy funzione () {
playimg var = document.getElementById ("vaplay");
pauseimg var = document.getElementById ("vapause");
playimg.src = "images / misc / play_up.gif";
playimg.alt = "Click to Play";
pauseimg.src = "images / misc / pause_down.gif";
pauseimg.alt = "pausa ...";
pause ();
playSpy funzione () {
playimg var = document.getElementById ("vaplay");
pauseimg var = document.getElementById ("vapause");
playimg.src = "images / misc / play_down.gif";
playimg.alt "Giocare = ...";
pauseimg.src = "images / misc / pause_up.gif";
pauseimg.alt = "Click to Pausa";
resume ();
funzione di pausa () {
giocare = 0;
funzione di resume () {
giocare = 1;
/ / ->
</ Script>
Computer <title> Juice - Spy sito </ title>
</ Head>
<body onload="spyinit();">
$ Header
$ Barra di navigazione
<table width="90%" align="center"> <td width="50%" align="left"> <input type="checkbox" id="subscribe" value="1"> ; discussioni che hai sottoscritto soltanto </ td>
<td width="50%" align="right">
<Img src id = "vaplay" style = "images / misc / play_down.gif" = "cursore
ointer; "alt =" "title =" Play commenti Play "onclick =" playSpy (); "/>
<Img src id = "vapause" style = "images / misc / pause_up.gif" = "cursore
ointer; "alt =" "title =" Pausa commenti Pausa "onclick =" pauseSpy (); "/>
</ Td> </ tr> </ table>
<br />
if (is_browser ('opera'))
$ Output .= <<<VAPRINT
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" align="center" id="spy_table">
<td width="20" class="tcat" nowrap="nowrap" style="height:25px;"> </ td>
<td class="tcat" width="225" nowrap="nowrap" style="height:25px;"> membri </ td>
<td class="tcat" width="80%" style="height:25px;"> Discussione / Post </ td>
<td class="tcat" width="200" nowrap="nowrap" style="height:25px;"> Forum
</ Tr>
<td colspan="4" class="alt1">
$ Prefetch
<div id="row21" style="display:none;" class="spyfade1"> </ div>
<div id="row22" style="display:none;" class="spyfade2"> </ div>
<div id="row23" style="display:none;" class="spyfade3"> </ div>
<div id="row24" style="display:none;" class="spyfade4"> </ div>
<div id="row25" style="display:none;" class="spyfade5"> </ div>
</ Td> </ tr>
</ Table>
$ Output .= <<<VAPRINT
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="100%" align="center" id="spy_table">
<tr align="center"> <td class="thead" width="100"> evento </ td> <td class="thead" width="100"> membri </ td> <td class = "thead "> Thread / Post </ td> <td class="thead" width="190"> Forum </ td> </ tr>
</ Thead>
<tbody class="alt1">
$ Prefetch
<tr id="row21" style="display: none;" class="spyfade1"> <td align="center"> </ td> </ td> < / td> <td align="center"> </ td> </ tr>
<tr id="row22" style="display: none;" class="spyfade2"> <td align="center"> </ td> </ td> < / td> <td align="center"> </ td> </ tr>
<tr id="row23" style="display: none;" class="spyfade3"> <td align="center"> </ td> </ td> < / td> <td align="center"> </ td> </ tr>
<tr id="row24" style="display: none;" class="spyfade4"> <td align="center"> </ td> </ td> < / td> <td align="center"> </ td> </ tr>
<tr id="row25" style="display: none;" class="spyfade5"> <td align="center"> </ td> </ td> < / td> <td align="center"> </ td> </ tr>
</ Div>
</ Table>
$ Output .= <<<VAPRINT
$ Piè di pagina
echo $ output;