# (Required) SEO links translation integration - part 2
1. Download from server file FORUM_ROOT/vbseo/includes/functions_vbseo_url.php
2. Open it in any text editor and find:
$text = strtr($text, $trarr_table);
3. REPLACE it with this code:
if (false !== strpos($text, '[langtitle=')) {
$text = strtr($text, $GLOBALS['vbet_custom_char_replacement']);
if (vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('charset') != 'utf-8') {
$text = preg_replace('/&#([0-9]+);/esiU', 'convert_int_to_utf8(\'\\1\')', $text);
} else {
$text = strtr($text, $trarr_table);
4. Find:
header ("Location: $fulluri");
5. PUT BEFORE it this code:
if (isset($_REQUEST['language'])) {
require_once(DIR. '/includes/vbenterprisetranslator_functions_url_tracking.php');
$fulluri = vbet_createURLForAddressNoReplace($_REQUEST['language'], $fulluri);
6. Save file and upload it to server, overwriting the old one.
VBSEO versione: 3.6.0