Hi there,
Ja sam pokušao instalirati vbet i napraviti odgovarajuće korake za integraciju s vbseo, ali - i može biti moj tekst editor ili sam samo slijepi - ali ja ne mogu naći nijedan od tih nalaze / zamijeniti u slučajevima određenih datoteka
Note that all vBSEOTM options are configurable by Admin CP->vBSEO->Control Panel
1. (Required) Set option General Settings->Character Replacement->"Replace Non-English Characters in URLs?" to "Keep Non-English Characters in URLs"
Since vBETTM translates URLs for threads it is necessary do NOT replace not English characters in URLs.
2. (Required) Turn off option SEO Functions->Dynamic META TAGS->"Replace the 'META KEYWORDS' Content?"
3. (Required) Made changes in your .htaccess file according to description here
4. (Required) SEO links translation integration
1. Download from server file FORUM_ROOT/vbseo/includes/functions_vbseo_createurl.php
2. Open it in any text editor
3. Find:
$bloginfo['seotitle'] = vbseo_filter_replace_text($bloginfo['title']);
4. REPLACE it with this code:
$bloginfo['seotitle'] = vbet_vbseo_filter_replace_text($bloginfo['title']);
5. Find:
$vbseo_gcache_thread['seotitle'] = vbseo_filter_replace_text ($ttl);
6. REPLACE it with this code:
$vbseo_gcache_thread['seotitle'] = vbet_vbseo_filter_replace_text ($ttl);
7. Find:
$replace['%category_title%'] = vbseo_filter_text($c_ttl);
8. REPLACE it with this code:
$replace['%category_title%'] = vbet_vbseo_filter_text($c_ttl);
9. Find:
$replace['%section_title%'] = vbseo_filter_text($c_ttl);
10. REPLACE it with this code:
$replace['%section_title%'] = vbet_vbseo_filter_text($c_ttl);
11. Find:
$replace['%entry_title%'] = vbseo_filter_text($c_ttl);
12. REPLACE it with this code:
$replace['%entry_title%'] = vbet_vbseo_createCmsArticleLink($c_id, $c_ttl);
13. Save file and upload it to server, overwriting the old one.
5. (Required) SEO links translation integration - part 2
1. Download from server file FORUM_ROOT/vbseo/includes/functions_vbseo_url.php
2. Open it in any text editor and find:
$text = strtr($text, $trarr_table);
3. REPLACE it with this code:
if (false !== strpos($text, ');
if (vB_Template_Runtime::fetchStyleVar('charset') != 'utf-8') {
$text = preg_replace('/&#([0-9]+);/esiU', 'convert_int_to_utf8(\'\\1\')', $text);
} else {
$text = strtr($text, $trarr_table);
4. Find:
header ("Location: $fulluri");
5. PUT BEFORE it this code:
if (isset($_REQUEST['language'])) {
require_once(DIR. '/includes/vbenterprisetranslator_functions_url_tracking.php');
$fulluri = vbet_createURLForAddressNoReplace($_REQUEST['language'], $fulluri);
6. Save file and upload it to server, overwriting the old one.
Neka se ta integracija vodič je napisan za prethodne verzije vbseo? Ja sam koristeći vbseo 3.5.2. Wth ...
Bilo bi poštovati.