Kao iu ReadMe.html opisao:
Installation procedure for vBETTM 3.x
Unzip vBETTM package file.
Upload ALL files in the upload folder to your forum root folder.
Install product file
Go to Admin CP->Plugins & Products->Manage Products and click [Add/Import Product]
For upload select do-not-upload/product-vbenterprisetranslator.xml file from vBETTM package and click Import.
Svi vBET datoteke u / forumima / upload / direktorij.
Kada sam početi uvoz XML datoteku, za instalaciju visi s porukom (na njemačkom):
Importiere Add-on, Bitte warten...
Kad sam promijeniti u drugu točku u Admin CP, to radi. Kad sam se vratiti na Add-In, to pokazuje samo:
vBulletin 4.0.8
vBulletin-Blog 4.0.8
vBulletin-4.0.8 CMS
Molim pomoć.