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Forum: Besplatna verzija vBET2.4.x

Ako želite napisati nešto o vBET 2.4.x - besplatna inačica podrškom za strojno prevođenje za vBulletin 4, molimo napišite ga ovdje.

  1. Sticky Thread Sticky: Besplatno vBET - vB Enterprise 2.x Prevoditelj

    Autor vBET, 09-10-09 07:01
    free, translator, vb enterprise translator, vbet, vbet 3, vbulletin
    • Odgovora: 0
    09-10-09, 07:01 Go to last post
  1. Exclamation pomoći riješiti probleme

    Autor dsimms, 18-02-11 19:00
    5 stranica
    1 2 3 ... 5
    free, htaccess, integration, language, mod, plugin, seo, sitemap, translation, translator, vb enterprise translator, vbet, vbseo, vbseo files, vbulletin
    • Odgovora: 40
    28-06-11, 16:37 Go to last post
  2. Pogreške indeksiranja

    Autor horst, 10-03-11 18:12
    language, sitemap, vb enterprise translator, vbet, vbseo
    • Odgovora: 3
    16-06-11, 08:58 Go to last post
    • Odgovora: 1
    18-05-11, 20:10 Go to last post
  3. Post Gdje je indeksiranje?

    Autor dsimms, 18-03-11 19:04
    free, translation, translator
    • Odgovora: 1
    25-04-11, 21:11 Go to last post
  4. Pomoć Molim

    Autor tiranalive, 08-02-11 02:19
    2 stranice
    1 2
    free, mod, plugin, translation, translator, vb enterprise translator, vbet, vbulletin
    • Odgovora: 10
    10-02-11, 19:25 Go to last post
  5. vBET2.4.3 prikazuje praznu stranicu

    Autor POL_ED, 29-01-11 00:39
    free, htaccess, mod, plugin, vb enterprise translator, vbet, vbulletin
    • Odgovora: 3
    31-01-11, 14:37 Go to last post
    • Odgovora: 9
    05-01-11, 09:32 Go to last post
  6. Problem Hack vbet4

    Autor web7ob, 26-11-10 23:39
    vb enterprise translator, vbet
    • Odgovora: 6
    29-11-10, 17:10 Go to last post
  7. Bilo Opis kako ažurirati?

    Autor jonlar, 23-09-10 14:05
    free, mod, plugin, vb enterprise translator, vbet
    • Odgovora: 1
    24-09-10, 15:26 Go to last post
  8. vBSEO i VB Enterprise Prevoditelj

    Autor pitu120, 09-08-10 23:02
    free, htaccess, language, mod, plugin, seo, sitemap, translation, translator, vb enterprise translator, vbet, vbseo, vbulletin
    • Odgovora: 7
    20-09-10, 17:49 Go to last post
  9. Question riječ "AF" sredinom URL-ova

    Autor newsoftw, 26-08-10 14:57
    3 stranice
    1 2 3
    cms, free, htaccess, integration, language, mod, plugin, seo, sitemap, translation, translator, vb enterprise translator, vbet, vbseo, vbulletin
    • Odgovora: 25
    20-09-10, 12:44 Go to last post
  10. Unhappy vbet nije dobro? je u pravu ...

    Autor newsoftw, 15-09-10 19:15
    free, htaccess, language, sitemap, vb enterprise translator, vbet, vbseo, vbulletin
    • Odgovora: 8
    20-09-10, 12:42 Go to last post
  11. vbet pogreška s Marco1 Sakrij sve

    Autor Miguel86, 22-06-10 19:25
    2 stranice
    1 2
    free, mod, plugin, translation, translator, vb enterprise translator, vbet, vbulletin
    • Odgovora: 15
    13-07-10, 17:25 Go to last post
    • Odgovora: 3
    16-06-10, 10:29 Go to last post
  12. Question Nemojte prevoditi ime rupe

    Autor oeyaps, 02-06-10 13:39
    free, language, optimization, seo, translator, vb enterprise translator, vbet, vbulletin
    • Odgovora: 9
    13-06-10, 12:19 Go to last post
  13. Imam problema s dnevnim

    Autor rosende, 19-05-10 01:56
    free, htaccess, translation, translator, vb enterprise translator, vbet, vbseo, vbulletin
    • Odgovora: 5
    20-05-10, 21:43 Go to last post
    • Odgovora: 1
    05-05-10, 12:10 Go to last post
    • Odgovora: 3
    28-02-10, 05:48 Go to last post
    • Odgovora: 6
    06-02-10, 13:09 Go to last post
  14. Raspored zastave u Navbar

    Autor macjoshua, 30-01-10 11:23
    • Odgovora: 1
    31-01-10, 19:43 Go to last post

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