Enne katset teist võimalust, ma saan seda praegu:

Hoiatus: Include (dirnameVBET_FORUMDIR / index.php) [function.include]: Failed to open stream: Sellist faili või kataloogi / Home / windows / public_html / gallery / vbenterprisetranslator_front_controller.php line 35

Hoiatus: Include (dirnameVBET_FORUMDIR / index.php) [function.include]: Failed to open stream: Sellist faili või kataloogi / Home / windows / public_html / gallery / vbenterprisetranslator_front_controller.php line 35

Hoiatus: Include () [function.include]: Failed opening 'dirnameVBET_FORUMDIR / index.php "kandmiseks (include_path ='.:/ usr / lib / php: / usr / local / lib / php') in / Home / windows / public_html / gallery / vbenterprisetranslator_front_controller.php line 35