View Full Version : vBET 3.3.2 released - great performance improvments

08-04-10, 02:34
Hi :)

As was promised we moved all performance improvements from vBET 4.x to vBET3.x YES we still support 3.x and it seems that it will be supported for long time (our customers shows our way). In this release we focused to give you performance improvements ASAP, so there is no new functionalities. Those will be in next major release.

IMPORTANT during update:
- Sitemap generator integration changed (need to add 1 line of code see here: http://www.vbenterprisetranslator.com/forum/vbet-integration-other-plugins/98-sitemap-generator-integration.html)
- vBSEO integration changed. For details please go to readme.html and do all steps for functions_vbseo_createurl.php file and for functions_vbseo_url.php all WITHOUT steps 2 and 3 (you already did it).
Those are really important because Sitemap will stop working, and vBSEO will stop translate URLs if you will not fallow instructions. If you do then sitemap will work fine and vBSEO will not only translate URLs but also will work faster (double redirections removed).
To make it simpler you can always made full integration starting on original mod files. Also please remember that for not-technical users, we provide Upgrade Service (http://www.vbenterprisetranslator.com/upgrade-service.php). We encourage to do it yourself if you know how to use any kind of text editor and FTP, still we want all our customers to feel comfortable with this update - that is why we remind about our upgrade service.

What changed in this version:

Performance improvements:
- Shorter not translated area
Now it is: <!--vBET_SNTA-->THIS WILL NOT BE TRANSLATED<!--vBET_ENTA--> (shortcuts of Start Not Translated Area and End Not Translated Area). This is very important if you used it already in your templates - in such case please find all occurrences and replace it (old was: <!--START vBET NOT TRANSLATED AREA--> and <!--END vBET NOT TRANSLATED AREA-->).
- Optimized translation algorithm
Lot of little or bigger changes, including: new performance parameters, better usage of native PHP functions, changes in our algorithm itself.
- Eliminated bottleneck for URL translation.
We realized that links was translated one by one what cost lot of Google requests. Now vBET uses delayed translation for URL translation. First 4 links must be translated at demand (because of possible vBSEO redirects) and rest is delayed.
- Eliminated bottleneck with vBSEO redirects.
Double redirects are no longer used - now redirect to translated link points on appropriate link at first redirect (additional integration step required).
- Plugins body moved to php file.
Now large text blocks will no loner be taken from database. Instead of this plugins simply use functions which are in php file. Most of plugins have 1-4 lines of code now.
- New advanced performance parameter 'Delay between translations'.
We discovered that some forums have issue with lot of Google requests (note - only some, most do not have such issue). It appears for those forums that each another Google request took longer and longer. Maybe because of Google 'punishments' for lot of traffic, maybe because it's own firewall settings. Anyway we have solution for that - now you can ask vBET to wait between Google translation requests. Of course it makes user request evaluation longer on your side, but it appears that in those cases final response is much, much faster. Because for not cached page waiting for Google response takes most time. Use it carefully and only if you can measure performance changes. If it will be necessary we will add some article about how to check Google response times.
- Bottleneck with text replacements eliminated.
We profiled vBET and found performance issue with output parsing - now it is corrected. Output parsing for scripts, styles, not translated areas and translation tracking is much faster right now.
- 2 advanced performance settings for large pages
HTML size: cutting point' and 'HTML size: start cutting'. Making installation on one of out customers servers we discovered that his main page was translated really long - even when it was already cached. All other pages was translated fast. We made investigation and this is what we discovered.: PHP performance drastically goes down when working on really big strings. I suppose that in such case PHP just writes it to some temporary file and is working on file instead of in memory. Because of that we modified translation algorithm and really big outputs are cut in smaller pieces during translation. This modification influences only large pages and you can configure it by new performance parameters. What was the result on forum main page of our customer. Translation time went down from about 21 seconds to about 3 seconds. As I suppose this make a difference for our customer ;) And we hope that this will also make great difference for you :)

Templates changed:
- vbenterprisetranslator_flag to eliminate conflicts with some plugins

Bugs corrected:
- URL tracking for forums in subdirectory and addresses having this subdirectory
- RSS titles encoding corrected
- JS RSS translation
- Google Maps translation
- Links for threads with % in title
- CSS files
- 'Keep directories' option

- Added target="_blank" for credit link to avoid users leaving your forum

Have fun and enjoy much waster translations, with much less server load :)

All our performance tests was made on PHP 5.2.12 and in this version it vBET was profiled. Of course you can still use vBET on earlier PHP versions :) We just made performance tests on this one.
Your performance improvement can vary depends on PHP version, because of possible performance differences of native PHP functions.

08-04-10, 04:17
Thanks very much! Quick and successful update.

08-04-10, 15:33
If you use vBSEO - remember about new integration. It is very important for performance - eliminated double redirects :)

08-04-10, 15:45
What about the old files i edit for vbseo, last time, do these need to be changed back? Or just new modifications made as well as old ones for previous version?

08-04-10, 15:48
What about the old files i edit for vbseo, last time, do these need to be changed back? Or just new modifications made as well as old ones for previous version?

You can do booth :)

If you get back to original and start from beginning, it will be less error prone.

If you start from actual one please keep in mind that some steps was already made - do not repeat it (described in first post).

08-04-10, 15:53
Right but what are steps 2 and 3, they are not labelled anywhere.

08-04-10, 16:03
Right but what are steps 2 and 3, they are not labelled anywhere.

Yes they are, but maybe I was not clear enough - please see readme.html file - you will find there steps numbers for each file :) If you have any future issues please just write :)

08-04-10, 16:20
Thank you MichaƂ, i changed functions_vbseo_createurl.php get white page error, but old file change not errors. Using orginal files. what's problem? :)

08-04-10, 17:06
Hi, I&#39;ve just done the update. Everything works. I am using vB 3.8.5 by vBSEO 3.3.2 Does it work with vB 3.8.5 and vBSEO 3.5.0.? To modify the files that you are there in a different folder. Christian Greeting

08-04-10, 17:26
Hi, I&#39;ve just done the update. Everything works. I am using vB 3.8.5 by vBSEO 3.3.2 Does it work with vB 3.8.5 and vBSEO 3.5.0.? To modify the files that you are there in a different folder. Christian Greeting

Exactly - made same changes on appropriate files which are in other location for VBSEO 3.5.0 :)

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Translations supported by vBET 4.10.1