Hi Michel, 'n kans kan jy' n kyk en sien of daar is 'n maklike oplossing vir hierdie;
Rekenaar Juice - Site Spy
Lyk die script is nie om die CSS-lêer behoorlik en in die verkeerde plek vir die beelde is op soek na ...
Hi Michel, 'n kans kan jy' n kyk en sien of daar is 'n maklike oplossing vir hierdie;
Rekenaar Juice - Site Spy
Lyk die script is nie om die CSS-lêer behoorlik en in die verkeerde plek vir die beelde is op soek na ...
Soos ek sien dit is nie vertaal ten alle nie. Die meeste waarskynlik global_complete haak nie gebruik word nie. Jy kan probeer om vir die integrasie van die mods wat nie global_complete haak gebruik.
Kyk hier vir 'n beskrywing: http://www.vbenterprisetranslator.co....html # post1795
Let asseblief eers seker nie regtig global_complete nie gebruik word nie daar nie.
Ek weet eerlik nie hoe om die instruksies te volg, is dit 'n eenvoudige mod, loop van AJAX Ek dink, net' n PHP-lêer, geen produk of templates. Hier is die dossier inhoud.
<? PHP
//################################################ ################################//
/ / MOD NAAM: VBISpy # / /
//################################################ ################################//
/ / Beskrywing: Hierdie wysiging vir vBulletin voeg 'n "live" te blaai # / /
/ / Update van nuwe poste na die forum # / /
//################################################ ################################//
/ / Deur: MPDev # / /
/ / Datum: 9.26.06 # / /
/ / Weergawe: 1.0.12 # / /
//################################################ ################################//
/ / ####################### SET PHP OMGEWING ###################### #####
error_reporting (E_ALL & ~ E_NOTICE);
/ / #################### BELANGRIKE KONSTANTES definieer #######################
define ('THIS_SCRIPT "," vaispy ");
/ / ################### PRE-cache templates en DATA ######################
/ / Kry spesiale frase groepe
$ Phrasegroups = array ();
/ / Kry spesiale data templates van die datastore
$ Specialtemplates = array ();
/ / Pre-kas Sjablone in gebruik deur al die aksies
$ Globaltemplates = array ();
/ / Pre-kas templates wat gebruik word deur spesifieke aksies
$ Actiontemplates = array ();
/ / ######################### Backend-################### #########
require_once ('/ global.php.');
/ / ######################### Config VARS ##################### #######
/ / Die aantal dae wat die tafel om te soek na ... (86.400 verteenwoordig die aantal sekondes in 24 uur)
$ Daysprune = 1;
/ / Lys nie hierdie forums, selfs al het hulle permissions (toets kategorieë, ens.)
$ Blockforums = "";
/ / ######################### Config VARS ##################### #######
$ Forumperms = array ();
$ Lastpostid = (Int) $ _REQUEST ["laaste"];
$ Subscribe = (Int) $ _REQUEST ["Skryf"];
foreach ($ vBulletin-> forumcache as $ forum) {
$ Forumid = $ forum ["forumid"];
$ Forumperms = & $ vBulletin-> userinfo ['forumpermissions']["$ forumid "];
if (! isset ($ vBulletin-> forumcache ["$ forumid"]) OF ($ forumperms & $ vBulletin-> bf_ugp_forumpermissions ["canview ']) OF ($ forumperms & $ vBulletin-> bf_ugp_forumpermissions [' canviewothers"] ) OF verify_forum_password ($ forumid $ vBulletin-> forumcache ["$ forumid"] ["wagwoord"], valse)!)
$ Blockforums .=','.$ forum ['forumid "];
ongezet ($ forum);
$ Datecut = "EN thread.lastpost> =". (TIMENOW - ($ daysprune * 86.400));
$ Prefetched = null;
/ / Kry Threads ek in Posted het
require_once (r. "sluit / / functions_forumdisplay.php");
$ Resultaat = $ DB-> query_read ("
KIES threadid
Van draad ". TABLE_PREFIX." Soos die draad
WAAR thread.forumid nie in (0 $ blockforums) en
thread.visible = 1 en
thread.open <> 10 en
thread.lastpostid> $ lastpostid
$ Datecut
$ IdsArray = array ();
while ($ id = $ DB-> fetch_array ($ gevolg))
$ IdsArray [] = $ ID ['threadid "];
$ Dotthreads = fetch_dot_threads_array (Imploderen (',', $ idsArray));
/ / Kry Threads
/ / Moet nie meer as 20 nie, tensy jy weet hoe om die HTML te verander aan die onderkant van die bladsy (en op reël 291).
$ Limitq = (isset ($ _REQUEST ["doen") "20": "5,20");
if ($ subscribe == 1)
$ Getthreads = $ DB-> query_read ("
SELECT subscribethread.subscribethreadid,
post.pagetext die afbeelding,
post.userid AS lastpuserid
Van ". TABLE_PREFIX." Subscribethread AS subscribethread
INNER JOIN "TABLE_PREFIX." Draad as die draad op (subscribethread.threadid = thread.threadid)
LEFT JOIN "TABLE_PREFIX.." Deletionlog AS Deletionlog (thread.threadid = deletionlog.primaryid en tipe = 'thread')
LEFT JOIN pos as boodskap op (post.postid = thread.lastpostid) "TABLE_PREFIX."
Waar subscribethread.userid = "$ vBulletin-> userinfo [" UserID "]."
EN thread.forumid NIE IN (0 $ blockforums)
EN thread.visible = 1
En subscribethread.canview = 1
EN thread.lastpostid> $ lastpostid
EN deletionlog.primaryid IS NULL
$ Datecut
ORDER BY thread.lastpost Latere beperk $ limitq
$ Getthreads = $ DB-> query_read ("
SELECT thread.forumid,
post.pagetext die afbeelding,
post.userid AS lastpuserid
Van draad ". TABLE_PREFIX." AS draad
LEFT JOIN "TABLE_PREFIX.." Deletionlog AS Deletionlog (thread.threadid = deletionlog.primaryid en tipe = 'thread')
LEFT JOIN pos as boodskap op (post.postid = thread.lastpostid) "TABLE_PREFIX."
WAAR Open <> 10
$ Datecut
EN thread.forumid NIE IN (0 $ blockforums)
EN thread.visible = '1 '
EN thread.lastpostid> $ lastpostid
EN post.visible = 1
EN deletionlog.primaryid IS NULL
ORDER BY thread.lastpost Latere beperk $ limitq
$ Ry = $ highestid = 1;
$ Rowcolor = "ALT2";
terwyl ($ draad = $ DB-> fetch_array ($ getthreads)) {
$ Kleur = $ kleur == 'ALT1'? "ALT2": "ALT1";
$ Draad ["titel"] = htmlspecialchars_uni (fetch_censored_text (fetch_trimmed_title (unhtmlspecialchars ($ draad ["titel"]), 85)));
$ Draad ["datum"] = vbdate ($ vBulletin-> opsies ["Date Format '], $ draad [" lastpost', 1);
$ Draad ["tyd"] = vbdate ($ vBulletin-> opsies ["timeformat '], $ draad [' lastpost ']);
/ / Raak ontslae van HTML en BBCode eerste
$ Draad ["preview"] = strip_tags (strip_bbcode ($ draad [] "preview", ware, ware));
$ Draad ["preview"] = htmlspecialchars_uni (fetch_trimmed_title ($ draad ["preview"], 200));
$ Draad ["preview"] = fetch_censored_text (fetch_word_wrapped_string ($ draad ['Voorskou', 20));
$ Draad ["replycount '] = vb_number_format ($ draad [" replycount "]);
$ Draad [se siening "] = vb_number_format ($ draad [" views "]);
$ Tforumid = $ draad ["forumid '];
$ Draad ["forum"] = htmlspecialchars_uni ($ vBulletin-> forumcache ["$ tforumid"] ["titel"]);
if ($ draad ["lastpostid"] == $ draad ['firstpostid "])
$ Etype = "Nuwe Draad";
$ Etype = "New Post";
/ / Statusicon
/ / Show dot gids?
if ($ vBulletin-> userinfo ["UserID"] en $ vBulletin-> opsies ["showdots '] en $ dotthreads [" $ draad [threadid]])
$ Draad ["statusicon '] .=" _dot';
$ Draad ["dot_count"] = $ dotthreads ["$ draad [threadid ]"][' tel"];
$ Draad ["dot_lastpost"] = $ dotthreads ["$ draad [threadid ]"][' lastpost"];
/ / Warm gids toon?
if ($ vBulletin-> opsies ["usehotthreads '] en (($ draad [" replycount']> = $ vBulletin-> opsies ["hotnumberposts"] en $ vBulletin-> opsies ['hotnumberposts']> 0) OF ( $ draad ['n databasis "]> = $ vBulletin-> opsies [" hotnumberviews "] en $ vBulletin-> opsies [" hotnumberviews']> 0)))
$ Draad ["statusicon '] .=" _hot';
/ / Toon toegesluit gids?
if ($ draad ["oop"]!)
$ Draad ["statusicon '] .=" _lock';
$ Draad ["statusicon '] =" blank.gif ";
if ($ _REQUEST [""] == "xml")
Hier is die tweede deel, vbet forum stop groot poste.
$ Uitset .= <<VAPRINT
<id> {$ draad ["lastpostid']}</ id>
<what> $ etype </ wat>
<when> {$ draad ['date']} {$ draad ["tyd']}</ wanneer>
<title> {$ draad ["titel']}</ titel>
<preview> {$ draad ["preview']}</ voorskou>
<poster> {$ draad ["lastposter']}</ plakkaat>
<threadid> {$ draad ["threadid']}</ threadid>
<postid> {$ draad ["lastpostid']}</ postid>
<lastpost> {$ draad ['lastpost']}</ lastpost>
<userid> {$ draad ["lastpuserid']}</ UserID>
<forumid> {$ draad ["forumid']}</ forumid>
<forumname> {$ draad ["Forum']}</ forumname>
<views> {$ draad ['n databasis']}</ views>
<replies> {$ draad ["replycount']}</ antwoorde>
<statusicon> {$ draad ["statusicon']}</ statusicon>
</ Gebeurtenis>
$ Rowcolor = ($ rowcolor == "ALT1" ALT2 ":" ALT1 ");
$ Waar = $ clip = $ poster_clip = $ plakkaat = null;
if (stristr ($ etype, "draad"))
$ Post_url = "showthread.php? T = {$ draad [" threadid']}";
$ Post_url = "showthread.php p = {$ draad [" lastpostid ']}? # Post {$ draad [' lastpostid']}";
as ($ draad ["titel"])
$ Clip = "<strong> Onbekend </ strong>";
$ Clip = "<strong> <img src=\\"{$thread['statusicon']}\\" alt=\\"\\" /> <a target = \\" _blank \\ "href = \\" {$ post_url} \\ "> {$ draad ['title']}</ a> </ strong>";
if ($ draad ['Voorskou'])
$ Clip .= "<br /> {$ draad ['Voorskou']}";
$ Clip .= "views ({$ draad ['n databasis"]}, {$ draad ["replycount']} antwoorde)";
if ($ draad ['lastpuserid "])
$ Poster_clip = "<a target=\\"_blank\\" href=\\"member.php?u={$thread['lastpuserid']}\\"> {$ draad ['lastposter']}</ a>";
$ Poster_clip .= "<br /> {$ draad ['date']} {$ draad [se tyd']}";
if ($ draad ["forum"])
$ Waar .= "<strong> <a target=\\"_blank\\" href=\\"forumdisplay.php?f={$thread['forumid']}\\"> {$ draad [" forum']}</ 'n> </ strong> ";
$ Waar = ";
if (is_browser ("opera"))
$ Prefetched .= <<VAPRINT
<div id="row{$row}"> <table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td width = "20" class = "$ rowcolor smallfont "Terugloop =" Geen Terugloop "align =" center "> $ etype </ td> <td class="$rowcolor smallfont" width="225" nowrap="nowrap" align="left"> $ poster_clip </ td > <td class="$rowcolor smallfont" width="80%"> $ clip </ td> <td class="$rowcolor smallfont" width="200" nowrap="nowrap" align="center"> $ waar </ td> </ tr> </ table> </ div> \\ n
$ Prefetched .= <<VAPRINT
<tr id="row{$row}"> <td class="$rowcolor smallfont" align="center"> <div class="smallfont"> $ etype </ div> </ td> <td klas = " $ rowcolor smallfont "> <div class="smallfont"> $ poster_clip </ div> </ td> <td class="$rowcolor smallfont"> <div class="smallfont"> $ clip </ div> </ td > <td class="$rowcolor smallfont" align="center"> <div class="smallfont"> $ waar </ div> </ td> </ tr> \\ n
$ Ry + +;
as ($ draad ["lastpostid"]> $ highestid)
$ Highestid = $ draad ["lastpostid '];
if ($ ry <20)
vir ($ x = $ ry; $ x <21; $ x + +)
if (is_browser ("opera"))
$ Prefetched .= <<VAPRINT
<div id="row{$x}"> </ div> \\ n
$ Prefetched .= <<VAPRINT
<tr id="row{$x}"> <td class="$rowcolor smallfont" align="center"> </ td> <td class="$rowcolor smallfont"> </ td> < td klas = "$ rowcolor smallfont"> </ td> <td class="$rowcolor smallfont" align="center"> </ td> </ tr> \\ n
/ / Geheue besparing
ongezet ($ draad);
$ DB-> free_result ($ getthreads);
if ($ _REQUEST [""] == "xml")
header ("Content-Type: text / xml" ($ stylevar ["karakterstel"] ='''; charset = "$ stylevar [" karakterstel "]:..''));
ECHO <XML weergawe = "1.0" encoding = "?" $ stylevar. ["charset '].'"?>'. "\\ R \\ n";
if ($ uitset)
echo "<events> $ uitset </ events>";
echo "<events />";
$ Navbits = array ();
$ Navbits [$ ouer] = "Site Spy";
$ Navbits = construct_navbits ($ navbits);
Eval ('$ navbar = "fetch_template (' navbar").'";');
$ Navbar = process_replacement_vars ($ navbar);
Eval ('$ headinclude = "fetch_template (' headinclude").'";');
$ Headinclude = process_replacement_vars ($ headinclude);
eval ("$ footer =" 'fetch_template ("footer").'";');
$ Footer = process_replacement_vars ($ footer);
$ Stylevar [htmldoctype]
<html dir="$stylevar[textdirection]" lang="$stylevar[languagecode]">
$ Headinclude
<style type="text/css">
Spyfade1 div spyfade1 span.,,, Spyfade1 td, spyfade1 img. {
Deursigtigheid: 0,90;
filter: Alpha (opacity = 90);
-Moz-Deursigtigheid: 0,90;
Spyfade2 div. Spyfade2 span. Spyfade2 td. Spyfade2 img. {
Deursigtigheid: 0,80;
filter: Alpha (opacity = 80);
-Moz-Deursigtigheid: 0,80;
Spyfade3 div., Spyfade3 span,, spyfade3 td., Spyfade3 img {
Deursigtigheid: 0,70;
filter: Alpha (opacity = 70);
-Moz-Deursigtigheid: 0,70;
Spyfade4 div., Spyfade4 span,, spyfade4 td., Spyfade4 img {
Deursigtigheid: 0,50;
filter: Alpha (opacity = 50);
-Moz-Deursigtigheid: 0,50;
Spyfade5 div., Spyfade5 span,, spyfade5 td., Spyfade5 img {
Deursigtigheid: 0,30;
filter: Alpha (opacity = 30);
-Moz-Deursigtigheid: 0,30;
</ Style>
<script language="JavaScript" src="clientscript/va_prototype.js"> </ script>
<script language="JavaScript" src="clientscript/va_effects.js"> </ script>
<script language="JavaScript" src="clientscript/va_spy.js"> </ script>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
spymax = 25;
highestid = $ highestid;
funksie pauseSpy () {
var playimg = document.getElementById ("vaplay");
var pauseimg = document.getElementById ("vapause");
playimg.src = "images / misc / play_up.gif";
playimg.alt = "Kliek om te speel";
pauseimg.src = "images / misc / pause_down.gif";
pauseimg.alt = "onderbreek ...";
pause ();
funksie playSpy () {
var playimg = document.getElementById ("vaplay");
var pauseimg = document.getElementById ("vapause");
playimg.src = "images / misc / play_down.gif";
playimg.alt = "Speel ...";
pauseimg.src = "images / misc / pause_up.gif";
pauseimg.alt = "Kliek om te Pause";
hervat ();
funksie pouse () {
Play = 0;
funksie CV () {
Play = 1;
/ / ->
</ Script>
<title> Computer Juice - Sitemap Spy </ title>
</ Head>
<body onload="spyinit();">
$ Header
$ Navbar
<table width="90%" align="center"> <tr> <td width="50%" align="left"> <input type="checkbox" id="subscribe" value="1"> ; ingeskryf is drade net </ td>
<td width="50%" align="right">
<Img id = "vaplay" src = "images / misc / play_down.gif" style = "cursorointer; "alt =" Play "title =" Speel Kommentaar "onclick =" playSpy (); "/>
<Img id = "vapause" src = "images / misc / pause_up.gif" style = "cursorointer; "alt =" Stop "title =" Stop Comments "onclick =" pauseSpy (); "/>
</ Td> </ tr> </ table>
<br />
if (is_browser ("opera"))
$ Uitset .= <<VAPRINT
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" align="left"> id="spy_table">
<tr> <td width="20" class="tcat" nowrap="nowrap" style="height:25px;"> </ td>
<td class="tcat" width="225" nowrap="nowrap" style="height:25px;"> lid </ td>
<td class="tcat" width="80%" style="height:25px;"> onderwerp / Post </ td>
<td class="tcat" width="200" nowrap="nowrap" style="height:25px;"> Forum
</ Tr>
<tr> <td colspan="4" class="alt1">
$ Prefetched
<div id="row21" style="display:none;" class="spyfade1"> </ div>
<div id="row22" style="display:none;" class="spyfade2"> </ div>
<div id="row23" style="display:none;" class="spyfade3"> </ div>
<div id="row24" style="display:none;" class="spyfade4"> </ div>
<div id="row25" style="display:none;" class="spyfade5"> </ div>
</ Td> </ tr>
</ Table>
$ Uitset .= <<VAPRINT
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="100%" align="left"> id="spy_table">
<tr align="center"> <td class="thead" WIDTH="100"> Event </ td> <td class="thead" WIDTH="100"> lid </ td> <td klas = "thead "> onderwerp / Post </ td> <td class="thead" width="190"> Forum </ td> </ tr>
</ Thead>
<tbody class="alt1">
$ Prefetched
<tr id="row21" style="margin: none;" class="spyfade1"> <td align="center"> </ td> <td> </ td> <td> < / td> <td align="center"> </ td> </ tr>
<tr id="row22" style="margin: none;" class="spyfade2"> <td align="center"> </ td> <td> </ td> <td> < / td> <td align="center"> </ td> </ tr>
<tr id="row23" style="margin: none;" class="spyfade3"> <td align="center"> </ td> <td> </ td> <td> < / td> <td align="center"> </ td> </ tr>
<tr id="row24" style="margin: none;" class="spyfade4"> <td align="center"> </ td> <td> </ td> <td> < / td> <td align="center"> </ td> </ tr>
<tr id="row25" style="margin: none;" class="spyfade5"> <td align="center"> </ td> <td> </ td> <td> < / td> <td align="center"> </ td> </ tr>
</ Tbody>
</ Table>
$ Uitset .= <<VAPRINT
$ Footer
echo $ uitset;
En dit is die probleem - uitset is eenvoudig gedruk, sodat daar geen moontlikheid is om dit te vertaal in die normale manier.
MAAR - ons het 'n oplossing vir hierdie - die een wat ek jou wys. Dit sal hanteer gevalle soos hierdie een. Vertel ons presies met watter stap wat jy het probleme. Ons sal jou help braak instruksies of selfs te verander om dit te meer verstaanbaar
Is jy seker dat die lisensie van hierdie mod kan sy kode te publiseer? Indien nie, dan moet jy dit verwyder.
Laat my duidelik wees, wil ek u om hierdie werk te maak, ek kan betaal.
Natuurlik bied ons ook betaal dienste soos die installasie, op te gradeer. Ons het nie gedink oor integrasie diens nie, maar jy kan koop opgradering van diens en ons sal dit vir jou doen.
Let asseblief daarop dat ons toegang tot jou FTP en Admin CP staat te wees om hierdie integrasie (Admin CP - dalk nie as werklike instellings is OK; FTP finaal ja) te doen het.